Friday, February 6, 2015

Jupiter Ascending

Jupiter Ascending (2015) showtimes and ticketsSci-fi/fantasy films are really not a new commodity, but when certain filmmaker's names are attached to the production, we will become curiously interested just to see what they are up to next. When I saw the trailer to "Jupiter Ascending", it certainly looked palatable enough to plunk down money to observe the visuals, if for no other reason, and the final verdict was it was definitely more interesting than the trailer depicted.

Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis) was born under a night sky, with signs predicting that she was destined for great things. Now grown, Jupiter dreams of the stars but wakes up day after day to the cold reality of a job cleaning toilets and an endless run of bad breaks. Only when Caine Wise (Channing Tatum), a genetically engineered ex-military hunter, arrives on Earth to track her down does Jupiter begin to glimpse the fate that has been waiting for her all along-- her genetic signature marks her as next in line for an extraordinary inheritance that could alter the balance of the cosmos. With this knowledge, siblings from the planet, Jupiter who 'own' many planets each, Balem Abrasax (Eddie Redmayne), Titus Abrasax (Douglas Booth) and Kalique Abrasax (Tuppence Middleton) have different reasons for tracking down Jupiter as well, but are their motivations admirable? Along with Caine's comrade, Stinger Apini (Sean Bean) they will do anything to make sure Jupiter does not get into the wrong hands.

Others to round out the cast are Nikki Amuka-Bird as Capt. Diomika Tsing, Nicholas A. Newman as Nesh, Doona Bae as Razo, Maria Doyle Kennedy as Aleksa, Jupiter's mother, Tim Pigott-Smith as Malidictes, Balem's right man advisor, Ariyon Bakare as Greeghan, Christina Cole as Gemma Chatterjee, Edward Hogg as Chicanery Night and James D'Arcy as Maximilian Jones, Jupiter's father.

This was directed with pure fantasy and excitement by The Wachowskis (Andy and Lana) ("Bound" '96, "The Matrix Triology" '99 & '03, "Speed Racer" '08, "Cloud Atlas" '12- Andy only). Whereas "The Matrix" was definitely on the cerebral side, this film was not. This doesn't mean that it was total fluff, however the premise wasn't overly original, but what these two did with it was pure entertainment at its finest. Both Tatum and Kunis could've done these roles in their sleep-- they're both better actors than this story could provide. The Wachowskis also wrote this film as well. Not to give too much plot away, even though this is a fantasy, there were areas that simply could not happen, but then it's a fantasy, whereas there can be so many more liberties in storyline. Suffice it to say, even though this script was fairly predictable, it was still a great, fun ride to see the good guys constantly beating up the bad guys. Perhaps after the cerebral aspects of "The Matrix", The Wachowskis needed something easier and more fun for us to watch-- a much needed rest for them as with us also.

This certainly was done in the same vein as "Guardians of the Galaxy", but without the originality. But maybe, just maybe we all need something fun and relaxing to enjoy instead of having to think. For this, you gotta love this, and all in a nifty 3D format.

Out of 4 Stars: 3                               Rated: PG-13                                125mins.

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