Friday, September 13, 2024

Am I Racist?

As with commercial films, documentaries come in all types of genres: dramatic, comedic, satirical and even musical, but when it comes to a powder dry, satirical documentary, there's nothing that beats "Am I Racist?" It is so powder dry that it looks to be, at surface, a straight on in-your-face documentary until it starts to unfold. 

From the white guys who brought you "What Is a Woman?" comes their next great question, and America's next great movie, "Am I Racist?"Matt Walsh goes undercover in the world of DEI, hilariously skewering the absurdity of race hustlers. Prepare to be shocked by how far the grifters will go and how much further Matt Walsh will go to expose them. In this film, Matt Walsh transforms himself into a certified diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) expert, only to uncover a world where profit, not principle, drives the agenda. 

Others to round out the cast are Robin DiAngelo as herself, Benyam Capel as himself and Jack Marino as Uncle Frank. 

This was directed with wit and deadpan humor by Justin Folk ("Great Men of History: Behind the Screen with Jamie Alexander" (TV movie) '11, "No Safe Spaces" '19, "Right Makes Might: The Lincoln-Douglas Debates" '20, "What Is a Woman?" '22) plus a video. The droll, deadpan wit was showcased here with clarity and political verve whereas unless one knew Walsh's political leanings, one might conclude this was a serious documentary. Folk's ability to convey Walsh's presence as a serious investigator was unbelievable as it was informative. It was written with acerbic wit, however with a direct underlying meaning by Justin Folk, Brian A. Hoffman and Dallas Sonnier. As I've mentioned in other reviews, the genre of satire is my favorite side of comedy because the writer can drive their point of the information in the film, but outlay that info in a humorous, satirical approach. Since Justin Folk was co-writer of this along with directing and he directed "What Is a Woman?", this film clearly had that similar feel to "What Is a Woman?". This, like "What Is a Woman?" is an exhaustive expose of the politics of the past four years, 

No matter what side of the political aisle you reside, this film will assuredly be a film for all to see. It's informative yet all the while showing the absurdity of a society going bananas. All's I can say is, where is the common sense in our society? 

Out of 4 Stars: 4                                      Rated: PG-13                                            101mins.

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