Thursday, March 19, 2020

I am on hiatus

To my followers or those who are first time readers:
This letter is to let all of you know that, at least, until the middle of April, I will be on hiatus from writing any reviews due to the coronavirus outbreak. Since the movie theaters' closures and the different production and releasing companies pushing their release dates back, I will basically have nothing to post. Be rest assured, I will be back with a vengeance to start up again as soon as the theaters are open and the film companies will start releasing their films. Please come back to continue reading my new reviews as soon as the the brunt of all this starts to wane. I will miss you all. Stay safe; wash your hands, self quarantine, work at home (if you can), and just be careful and smart and we will get through this. Take care of yourselves and if you pray, continue to do so--I know I have. Also, if you are stuck at home, I have over a 1,000 films in which to peruse so you can rent, Netflix, etc. Just type in the name of the film at the search bar at the top left of the site. I don't have all films that were released, but I do have many. Until later, take care. All the best, Gary Payne

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